V. Balakrishnan

Constituency: Bangalore Central

Education: B.Sc, CA

Age: 48

Occupation: Former Board of Directors, Infosys

V. Balakrishnan quit his prestigious position in the board of directors of Infosys and joined the Aam Aadmi Party the very next day, which he believes “…is the most successful startup by an IIT-ian ever. I would like to be a part of the revolution happening in the country".

He has taken up some key responsibilities in the party, including contributing to the party’s economic policies. He has provided valuable inputs to the civic authorities for a systematic development of the Bangalore city over the last few years. As a venture capitalist at Exfinity he provides mentor-ship and financial support to several startups in technology sector, providing occupational direction to young men and women.

Considering his clean image in the complex corporate world, the strength of his balanced economic prowess, capability in advising on sustainable civic infrastructure and his leadership role in nurturing young talents, the AamAadmi Party believes Bala will be successful in working with Bangalore’s citizens to build their city with a sense of ownership.