K V Kumar

K V Kumar

Constituency: Mandya

Education: BCom, Diploma in Radio Technology

Age: 51

Occupation: Cable TV network, Editor of local newspaper

KV Kumar is a self employed professional with diverse experience in visual and print media. He started CATV small scale industries in Mandya in 1990, later mega cable TV network called MTN (Mandya Television Network). He started editing a local newspaper ‘Nelada Hodlu’ in 1999 and Pouravani from 2010, which is a newspaper founded by noted freedom fighter, HS Doraiswamy in 1941.

He has also been active in the social circles and public service for the last 20 years with public awareness programs through the TV on subjects like child marriage, human rights violations, gender identity etc. He has conducted joint venture program with Judicial department giving free legal service to economically backward people. Provided detailed knowledge sharing for the farmers with agricultural experts on soil testing, insect problems, water management, horticultural crops etc.

He also holds the position of joint secretary in the District Horticultural Society. He has helped the general public, especially farmers, in bringing their problems to the attention of the district and state administration.